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The Last of the Year 2023

The Last of the Year, Friday 29th December 2023

The Last of the Year

Friday, 29th December 2023

The Newton Abbot Leisure Centre

Highweek Road

Newton Abbot

TQ12 2SH

Work off some of that Christmas indulgence and enter a Poule Unique

9:00am to warm up and help set up.

Start fencing from 9.30am

For 5 hits and then you stay on the piste and do a One Hit – so 2 competitions. Prizes for the One Hit will be provided by the sponsors’ website –

in The Newton Abbot Leisure Centre, Highweek Road, Newton Abbot. TQ12 2SH

Access from 9:00am to warm up and help set up. Start fencing from 9.30am

The format will be that everybody fences everybody. Any weapon – but if the competitors cannot agree, then it is epee. For sabre and foil you will need to grab someone to referee – we recommend the same for epee you can agree to do it yourselves if you are both happy with that and do not wish a timed fight. Most fights tend to be epee but foil and sabre are very welcome.

The competition will be limited to 20 entrants and we will be fencing over 4 pistes, with each fight for 5 hits. If the entry is less than 12, it will be 10 hits and you could then agree to split the fight between two weapons. The procedure is quite informal, you can challenge in your own time and then fight on one of the four pistes. After the fights, please enter the results on the computer.

While the competition starts at 09.30am, being a poule unique there is some flexibility, and you can check in after this time, but the cut off will be 10.30am.

If you wish to warm up, we will have access to the space from 9.00am. If you are running late – number on the day to phone is:

07900 324455 (Josh)

07956 391751 (Jim)

The competition is open to anyone who is a paid-up member of Newton Abbot Fencing Club or who has BF recreational or full individual membership. There is a entry fee of £10.00, and each competitor is expected to bring a prize – bottle of wine, chocolates, unwanted Christmas present etc. Hence ‘bring a prize – win a prize’. Open to fencers who are 13 years old or over on 29 December 2023. Full gear must be worn, 350N Jacket and Breeches, 800N Plastron.

Last year 21 competed. The winner was Scott Willis with Seb Lee in 2nd place. 3rd and 4th were Rob Flatt and Stefan Chirita. After the event – probably around 3:00pm - we can drift over to The Abbot at 16 East Street for a snack and a drink and to socialise verbally instead of at the end of a sword!


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